Break into the international market

Find Your USP

Create A Buzz

Tour Internationally


Get Airplay
Build A Fanbase

One of the biggest struggles for independent musicians is to venture from the community they have built for themselves and break through into the international market. We offer individual or a series of practical participatory sessions for mid-career artists, in which we will focus on manifesting self-resources in order to communicate, collaborate and break into the international gigging circuit.
Ever wondered how to reach your target audience, how to set up a successful crowdfunding campaign, raise festival programmers interest, produce your own album, or run a DIY PR campaign? Together, we can develop long-term thinking, such as a 2-5 year sustainable career plans, on-the-spot promotion and acquiring tools and techniques to help musicians get more gigs.
​Do it yourself – Together
Breaking through to the international market: Practical mentoring sessions with Noam Vazana.
Our clients are our partners, that’s why we choose them carefully: